GL Purge History window
Purging history removes the detail from the GL Audit Trail through the date you select. You also have the option to purge the period totals, budget history, and allocation history. You must select at least one check box before you can purge
If you have balance forward amounts, do not purge the previous year. If you purge the previous year with balance forwards, you will lose the balance forward amount and if you recalculate, your accounts will be out of balance.
Caution: Be sure to back up your data and print an Audit Trail report prior to running this option so that you have a record of the journal entries before they are deleted.
Purge through this date 
Enter the cutoff date through which you will be purging audit trail history.
Include period totals 
Select this check box if you want the system to purge the totals for each period. The default for this check box is checked.
Include budget history
Select this check box to purge all budget history through the date you selected. You will no longer be able to view the history you purged in the View Budget History window. The default for this check box is unchecked.
Include allocation history  
Select this check box to purge all Allocation Code processing history through the date you selected. You will no longer be able to view the history you purged in the GL Allocation Codes window. The default for this check box is unchecked.
Published date: 03/12/2021