Interface Codes: Do I Need Them?
To determine whether or not you need to use Interface Codes for your organization, answer the following question: If you sell items from more than one sales department, do you need to track that sale by item, by department, or both? Here are some reasons you would or would not choose to use Interface Codes. These are not the only reasons, but are some common ones.
If, when you sell the item, the general ledger account affected is determined solely by the sales department from which it is sold, then you do not need to use the Interface Codes.
If, when you sell the item, the general ledger account affected should be determined solely by the stock item itself, then you do not need to use the Interface Codes.
If, when you sell the item, the general ledger account affected is determined by both the item and the sales department, then you should consider using the Interface Codes.
However, if you want to change the way your posting affects General Ledger, or if you want to change the accounts to which different transactions post, you might want to consider replacing the interface table with direct posting to specified general ledger accounts. This is accomplished through replacing General Ledger Interface Keys with General Ledger account numbers.
Published date: 09/30/2021