JobCostCS > Job Cost > Inventory/Make to Stock menu > JC Transfer to Inventory window
JC Transfer to Inventory window
Use this window to transfer make to stock jobs from Job Cost to Inventory. This relieves the job WIP.
Job Number 
Enter the job number or use the Lookup to select the job for which you want to relieve WIP and transfer the item produced to Inventory.
Stock Number 
Enter the stock number or use the Lookup to select the stock item you are going to add quantity to.
Transaction Number 
This field is informational only and displays the current transaction number in the batch.
Enter the location of the stock item. If you use multi-location inventory, you can use the Lookup to select the stock location.
Transfer Type 
This drop-down is disabled until you enter a job in the Job Number field. From the drop-down, select the type of transfer you want to complete.
Automated (Add): this option includes all the quantity available to transfer and automatically relieves WIP.
Automated (Subtract): this option subtracts the quantity from Inventory and adds it back to WIP.
Detailed (Add): this option enables the Work in Process tab and allows you to manually select what and how much WIP to relieve. The total of the amounts in the detail grid must match the amount in the Total WIP to Transfer field.
Transaction Date 
Enter the date of this transaction.
Reference Number 
Leave the default reference number or enter a reference number to track this transfer. This number must be unique.
This field auto-fills with the description of the stock number, but you can change it.
Quantity to Transfer 
Enter the number of units you want to transfer to Inventory. After you post, this updates the Quantity on Hand for the stock item.
Cost Per Unit 
If you are adding to Inventory, this field auto-fills with the amount that will transfer to Inventory. The calculation for this field is Total Available WIP / Quantity to Transfer. You can edit this amount.
If you are subtracting from Inventory, this field auto-fills with the amount of WIP you’re adding back to the job. You cannot edit this field.
Total Available WIP 
This field only appears if you are adding to Inventory and it shows the total remaining WIP on the job. You cannot edit this field.
Maximum Quantity to Subtract 
If you are subtracting from Inventory, this field shows the maximum quantity you can subtract from Inventory. You cannot edit this field.
Maximum Cost Per Unit 
This field only appears if you are adding to Inventory and it displays the maximum amount each unit can cost based on the total available WIP. The calculation for this field is Total Available WIP / Quantity to Transfer. The amount you enter in the Cost Per Unit field cannot be higher than this amount.
Total WIP to Transfer 
This field shows the total amount you are transferring. The calculation for this field is Quantity to Transfer * Cost Per Unit. If this amount does not equal the amount in the Total Available WIP field, the remaining amount appears in the Job WIP Remaining field. You cannot edit this field.
Job WIP Remaining 
The calculation for this field is Total Available WIP - Total WIP to Transfer. This amount cannot be negative and you cannot edit this field.
Total Detail WIP 
This field is only available if you selected Detailed (Add) from the Transfer Type drop-down. It shows the total amount of WIP you entered in the detail grid on the Work in Process tab. This field must match the Total WIP to Transfer field. You cannot edit this field.
Published date: 10/20/2020