PayrollCS > Payroll > Employees menu > PR Employee Management window > PR Employee Management window: General Information tab
PR Employee Management window: General Information tab
Use this tab to define general information about your employees.
Employee Information
Enter individual employee information in this section of the window.
Name Used 
Enter up to 50 characters for the name the employee likes to use. When you enter a new employee, this field automatically fills with the name entered in the header section of the window. This field is required.
Enter the employee’s position in the organization.
Address Fields 
Enter the employee’s address in these fields, including city, state, and Zip Code.
Phone Numbers 
Enter the employee’s home and cell phone numbers in the appropriate fields.
Birth Date 
Enter the employee’s date of birth.
Hire Date 
Enter the date the employee was hired.
Seniority Date 
Enter the date the employee’s seniority begins. For example, this could be the date a part time employee is hired full time or the date someone moves into another department.
Termination Date 
This field is only available if the employee has a Terminated status type in the Status field. Enter the employee’s termination date.
Enter the employee’s status or select a Status Code from the Lookup. Only employees with active and temporary status types can be added to the Prepare Payroll grid.
Enter the employee’s email address. If you use ArcTime, you must enter an email address to export the employee.
Emergency Contact 
Enter the name of an emergency contact for this employee.
Phone Number 
Enter the phone number for the emergency contact.
Pay Information
Enter employee pay information in this section of the window.
Payment Type 
From the drop-down, select whether the employee has a Salary, Hourly, Piece Work, or Combined wage type.
Pay Frequency 
From the drop-down, select whether the employee is paid Daily, Weekly, Bi-weekly, Semi-monthly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-annually, or Annually.
Last Raise 
Enter the date of the employee’s last raise.
Check Location 
If you have different locations checks are sent to, enter the location the check should be sent for this employee. This field can be useful if you have different buildings or company offices.
Site Location 
If this employee works at different sites, you can enter the site at which he is currently working.
Last Paycheck Information
This section of the window displays information about the employee’s last check. You cannot edit any of the information shown here.
Last Check Number 
This field displays the employee’s last check or direct deposit number.
Check Date 
This field displays the date of the employee’s last check or direct deposit.
Check Amount 
This field displays the amount of the employee’s last check or direct deposit.
Published date: 12/20/2021