PayrollCS > Payroll > Options menu > PR Overtime Codes window
PR Overtime Codes window
If you import daily units from another software, use this window to set up Overtime Codes. When you import overtime units for an employee that has an Overtime Code assigned, the imported units will be treated based on the rules you set here.
You can assign an Overtime Code to an employee on the Pay Rates/Taxes tab in the PR Employee Management window. You can also define a default Overtime Code for your organization in Module Preferences (the Code attached to the employee takes precedence). If you don’t set an Overtime Code in either location, overtime will not be calculated.
You must have Other Units 1 (overtime) and Other Units 2 (double time) pay rates set up for overtime to calculate correctly. If you use daily and weekly overtime, the type that produces a higher amount will be used for payroll.
Code Name 
Enter a unique name up to 24 characters for this code.
Enter a description up to 50 characters to associate with this code.
Calculate daily overtime after <> hours 
This field specifies when overtime (Other Units 1) hours start. Select this check box to use daily overtime and enter the number of daily hours when overtime begins.
Calculate daily double time after <> hours 
This field specifies when double time (Other Units 2) hours start. Select this check box to use daily double time and enter the number of daily hours when double time begins.
Calculate weekly overtime after <> hours 
This field specifies when weekly overtime (Other Units 1) hours start. Select this check box to use weekly overtime and enter the number of weekly hours when it begins. This is a separate calculation from daily overtime.
Overtime Period 
If you’re using weekly overtime, use the drop-down to choose how your week is determined.
Published date: 12/20/2021