AccountsReceivableCS > Accounts Receivable > Options menu > AR Frequency Codes window
AR Frequency Codes window
Use this code to group recurring transactions that you want to generate together. These codes are attached to the recurring transaction in the AR Enter Payments/Adjustments window, and then you choose a code or range of codes to generate n the AR Generate Recurring Activity window.
Once you set up Frequency Codes and establish recurring transactions for the group, you can process all the transactions with the same Frequency Code in one easy step.
Frequency Code 
Enter a code of up to six characters to identify this group of recurring transactions. For example, if this code will represent a group of transactions that occur on a monthly basis, your code might be MNTHLY. If you have several groups of transactions you generate on a monthly basis, but you generate some on the first of the month and others on the tenth, you might instead set up the Frequency Codes MONTH1 and MNTH10.
Enter a description that will help you quickly identify this Frequency Code; for example, Monthly, on the tenth.
Published date: 11/22/2021