General Preferences Setup
Use the AR Module Preferences window to establish module-wide settings and options for Accounts Receivable. These settings apply to all users.
You should set up these preferences before you enter information in the system. Some options include how Accounts Receivable will integrate to other modules, how you want to print reports and statements, whether or not you will accept credit card payments, if you want to block past due customers from charging to their accounts, and if you will use transaction batches. You can change these options at any time, but some options, such as integration, might affect the way information posts.
To access Module Preferences, select Options > Set Up the Module Preferences from the left navigation pane.
If you plan to accept credit cards as payment from your customers, you need to set up clerk codes and make sure you set credit cards as an allowed payment on your customer records.
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Published date: 12/31/2020