Working with Accounts > Setting Budgets for Your Accounts > Create and Update Budgets
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Create and Update Budgets
After you enter your accounts into General Ledger, you can use the General tab of the GL Budget Management window to create or update budgets. You can assign one or all of your accounts to a Budget Code, and when you update a Budget Code, any accounts attached to the code will reflect the changes you make.
NOTE: If you converted budget data from CMS Professional, the software creates a default Budget Code named CONVBUDGET that contains your existing budget information. All accounts with which the budget information was associated are attached to it.
To create your account budgets:
1 In General Ledger, select Chart of Accounts > Manage Budgets.
Click thumbnail to view Business image.
Click thumbnail to view Fund image.
2 In the Budget Code field, enter a code of up to 10 alphanumeric characters or use the Lookup to select an existing code. You will use this code to identify the budget.
3 Enter any applicable description information for this code.
4 Using the Starting and Ending Account Number range fields, select the accounts you would like to include in the budget. If you want to select your entire chart of accounts, leave the default entries of Start and End.
5 Select the Add Accounts to Grid button to populate the budget grid with the selected accounts.
6 If this is a new Budget Code, enter your budget information in the budget grid. If you are updating an existing code, review and adjust information in the budget grid as necessary.
7 Select Save to save the budget information to the Budget Code.
- or -
Select Save As to save over an existing code or define a new code.
- or -
Select Save and Attach to save the budget information to the Budget Code and attach the accounts that appear in the grid to the budget.
If you want to print the Budget Code values from the grid, you must export the budget information and then open and print the file from a program such as Microsoft® Excel.
See GL Budget Management window to learn about the many available options and features.