PurchaseOrderCS > Purchase Order > Purchasing Tasks menu > PO Enter Purchase Orders window
PO Enter Purchase Orders window
Use this window to enter new purchase orders or edit previously saved ones. The options and fields available depend on how the layout was set up for your user login (Buyer Code). Because of this, you might not see some options and features presented here.
If you recall a purchase order that cannot be edited, READ ONLY will appear in the upper-right corner of the window. This might occur, for example, if your Buyer rights do not allow you to edit the purchase order or if the order is closed.
If you chose to use Online Purchase Order Numbering in PO Module Preferences, this field is disabled and reads Generate on Save.
This field will autofill based on the Last PO Number field in PO Module Preferences, but you can edit it. If you want to edit an existing order, use the Lookup to select the PO number.
If you selected the Pre-Issue PO Numbers check box in Module Preferences, then you must use the Lookup to select one of your pre-issued numbers. Only available pre-issued numbers will appear in the Lookup. The pre-issued numbers are defined in the PO Pre-Issue Purchase Orders window.
(Fund product only) If you are encumbering, the PO Lookup will show all orders in the active batch.
Back Navigation 
Use this button to search through the open purchase orders beginning with the latest one in the batch. If the open batch is empty, a message appears indicating that no purchase orders are available for selection.
Lookup PO 
Click this button to open the Lookup from which you can select an existing purchase order/requisition. If the open batch is empty, a message appears indicating that no purchase orders are available for selection.
(Fund product only) If you are encumbering, the Lookup will show all orders in the active batch.
Forward Navigation 
Use this button to search through the open purchase orders beginning with the first one in the batch. If the open batch is empty, a message appears indicating that no purchase orders are available for selection.
New PO 
This button is only available when at least one field in the window is populated. Click this button to clear the fields in the current purchase order. When clicked, a message appears asking if you want to save the current purchase order. If you choose not to save, the fields are cleared and ready for you to enter a new order. If you choose to save, the purchase order is saved, the fields are cleared, and you can enter the next purchase order.
Delete PO 
This button is only available when a saved purchase order is open in the window. If you click this button, the open purchase order is deleted from the system.
Select this check box if you want to set the current purchase order as recurring. After you check this option, the Frequency field is enabled. When you save this purchase order, a duplicate is kept in the recurring batch with the same purchase order number. You can modify this saved number later to work with any recurring numbering scheme you might have. If you need to make an adjustment to the original purchase order, you will also need to make the change in the saved recurring order.
This field is only available after you check the Recurring check box. Type the Frequency Code or use the Lookup to select a Frequency Code for this recurring purchase order. You can also set up Frequency Codes on the fly.
Log Off/On Buyer 
This button is only enabled if the Allow Log On/Off Between POs is checked in PO Module Preferences. Click this button to log off or log back on to the system. For more information on this feature, see Selecting a Buyer.
Print PO 
Click this button to print the current purchase order or a range of orders. When you click this button, a prompt to save the current order might appear, and then the PO Print/Reprint Purchase Orders window will open.
Save PO 
Click this button to save the current purchase order and clear the fields so you can enter the next order.
Published date: 03/16/2021