Quick Access Bar: Options
Use the Options slide-out menu to access frequently-performed tasks. For example, you can delete purchase orders, change the transaction date, and print purchase orders. Some options are disabled until you select a purchase order number. Also, some options are only active if the buyer has rights to the selected task.
Generate Recurring 
This option is only available from the Enter Purchase Orders and Set Up Recurring Purchase Orders windows.
Click this button to open a Lookup that shows all available recurring orders, and then select the one you want. Depending on your buyer rights, you might only see recurring orders in the Lookup that you created and not those created by your co-workers.
If you access this slide-out menu in the PO Set Up Recurring Purchase Orders window, click this button to open the PO Generate From Recurring window through which you can generate the recurring orders you previously set up.
Delete PO 
This option is only available when you access this slide-out menu in the PO Enter Purchase Orders window or the PO Enter Requisitions window and an existing order is in view. Click this button to delete the purchase order/requisition from the system.
Delete Recurring  
This button is only available when you access the slide-out menu in the PO Set Up Recurring Purchase Orders window. Click this button to delete the recurring purchase order from the system.
Delete Transaction 
This option is only available when you access the slide-out menu in the PO Receive Items window and an order is in view. Click this button to delete the receiving transaction from the system. The purchase order will be available as you saved it before opening this transaction.
Cancel PO 
This option is only available from the slide-out menu in the PO Receive Items window and an order is in view. Click this button to cancel any remaining items on the purchase order. Any items you received and posted remain in your inventory count. Any items you did not receive clear from the on-order quantity and the purchase order will be marked as complete. After you post, you can no longer modify this order.
Change Local Transaction Date 
Click this button to open the PO Change Local Transaction Date window and change the transaction date for this session only. This is not a global Denali change and only applies to Purchase Order until you close it.
Print Edit Report 
(Accounting product only) This option is only available when you access the slide-out menu in the PO Receive Items window.
Click this button to open the PO Receiving Edit Report window and print a report of your receiving transactions for review before you post (highly recommended).
(Fund product only) This option is only available from the Enter Purchase Order slide-out menu if you select the Enable encumbering check box in Module Preferences. Click this button to open the PO Print Purchasing Edit Report window and print the PO Purchasing Edit Report. This report allows you to view and edit purchase orders before you post.
Set Up Purchasing/Receiving Layout 
This button is only available if you have buyer rights to edit the layout. Click this button to open the PO Set Up Purchasing/Receiving Layout window and change the window layout. Any change to the layout will affect all currently open transaction windows.
Save PO 
This button is only available when you access th slide-out menu in the PO Enter Purchase Orders window or PO Enter Requisitions window and an order is in view. Click this button to save the current order and refresh the screen to enter the next one.
Save Recurring  
This button is only available when you access this slide-out menu in the PO Set Up Recurring Purchase Orders window. Click this button to save the recurring purchase order.
Print Any PO 
This button is only available when you access this slide-out menu in the PO Enter Purchase Orders or PO Enter Requisitions window. Click this button to open the PO Print Purchase Orders/Requisitions window and print a single purchase order/requisition or a range of orders.
Print Report 
This button is only available when you access the slide-out menu in the PO Set Up Recurring Purchase Orders window. Click this button to print the PO Recurring Purchase Order report for all recurring purchase orders.
Print Labels 
This option is only available when you access the slide-out menu in the PO Receive Items window and if you have Inventory installed and integrated. Click this button to open the PO Receiving Labels window and print labels for the stock items received in the current order.
Print Receiving Report 
This option is only available when you access the slide-out menu in the PO Receive Items window. Click this button to open the PO Receiving Report window and print a report of the items received in the current batch.
Published date: 03/16/2021